Every once in a while I see someone post that their Premiere Pro work area is above their OS menu bar and they can’t adjust the window to pull it down. Because when you scale the window by clicking and dragging a corner the top of the Premiere Pro work area window stays anchored in place. You can see how that looks in the GIF below.
So, imagine if that top of your window was someplace above your top dropdown menu and out of reach of your mouse pointer. Pretty frustrating. This
I have a fix for you. Just hold down the OPTION key (or the ALT key for Windows) and then click and drag the work area. And now the whole window scales from the center. When my Premiere Pro work area was stuck up above I did this and was able to make it small enough that I then could access the
Here’s a GIF of what it looks like when you hold the OPTION (ALT) key and scale your work area window.
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